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in Ankeny, Iowa again!

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Reasons to Join
Reasons to Join
IBEA Iowa Business Education Association Logo

1. Professional Development Opportunities
2. Networking with Colleagues
3. Advocacy on Capitol Hill
4. Access to Lesson Sharing Ideas
5. Legislative Updates
6. Award Recognition Program
7. Area Representative Support
8. Mentor Program
9. Annual Convention
10. Leadership Opportunities

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Promoting Business Education in Iowa

A Message from your President

Carrie Kohn
Carrie Kohl
2024-25 IBEA President
Greetings!  Welcome to IBEA!  I am excited to be your 2024-25 IBEA President.  Joining IBEA offers educators the ultimate opportunity to enhance professional development, connect with a network of like-minded teachers, and advocate for important legislation affecting business education. Engaging with peers can inspire new teaching methods and provide valuable resources to enrich your classroom experience. Delve into a community dedicated to empowering educators and shaping the future of business education in Iowa.  Thank you for membership in IBEA.  Find us on Facebook: Iowa Business Education Association
Iowa IBEA State